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geometries 3 Geometriesmeshes 2 Meshessimulations 1 Simulation setupruns 1 Result

About this project

- What is the project goal The project goal is to simulate the three basic modes of heat transfers occurring on a radiator: Conduction through the tube walls, Convention due to water flowing in the tubes and the second convection caused by the air flowing through the radiator. -Simulation type Because of the heat transfer between the solid of the radiator, and the fluid flowing inside, the chosen simulation type is the Conjugate Heat Tranfer. -Project details The fluid that is flowing through the radiator is water. It enters the radiator at 40 degrees celsius at a flow rate of 2.8 kg/s. The air flowing outside the radiator is at an ambient temperature of 19.28 degrees celsius, moving at 0.5 m/s.

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Project History

  • pnawane

    pnawane created this project